My Plateau
Profane Burial's latest album intensifies its cinematic black metal style, incorporating symphonic elements and orchestral influences. More extreme than their debut, it features high-pitched vocals, traditional tremolo guitars, and complex, progressive compositions.
New Music Coming Soon — 3/1/2024 Released 2024
Crime Records

Album tracks

  • 1
    My Plateau (clip)
    Profane Burial
  • 2
    Moribund (clip)
    Profane Burial
  • 3
    Fragments of Dirge (clip)
    Profane Burial
  • 4
    Righteous Indoctrination (clip)
    Profane Burial
  • 5
    Disambiguate Eradication (clip)
    Profane Burial
  • 6
    Horror Code (clip)
    Profane Burial
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